Vitamin B5


Clinical Study Title:
Pantothenic acid, coenzyme A, and human chronic ulcerative and granulomatous colitis.

Plain English Summary:
This study examined vitamin B5 deficiency and the development of chronic ulcerative granulomatous colitis. A sample of tissue from the colon was taken from 29 patients who were already having a colectomy. These tissues samples were compared with colon tissues from healthy individuals. In patients with colitis, the coenzyme A level was significantly low. This suggests that there is a problem in the metabolism of the vitamin in patients with chronic ulcerative granulomatous. There is a relationship then between lower levels of vitamin B5 in the body and the development of chronic ulcerative granulomatous colitis.
Ellestad-Sayed JJ. Nelson RA. Adson MA. Palmer WM. Soule EH.
Country of Publication
United States
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 29(12):1333-8, 1976 Dec.

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