Contraceptive Side Effects.
Clinical Study Title:
Effect of vitamin B6 on the side effects of a low-dose combined oral contraceptive.
Plain English Summary: |
This study looked at the effects of a vitamin b6 supplement on the side effects of birth control pills. Women who began taking a low dose oral contraceptive were given daily supplements of vitamin b6 or a placebo during the first month of usage. Various symptoms typically seen when starting a new method of birth control were measured. This included symptoms such as depression, irritability, nausea, headache, and vomiting. Symptom severity was rated by the participants at the beginning and again at the end of the study. Participants taking the vitamin b6 reported a significant reduction in headaches and dizziness. This suggests that daily supplements of vitamin b6 can help combat the severity of some symptoms associated with the use of a new oral contraceptive. |