Vitamin D

Bone Disorders.

Clinical Study Title:
Early phase metabolic bone disorders after gastrectomy: influence of active vitamin D treatment.

Plain English Summary:
This study examined the use of vitamin D therapy on bone disorders that are common after a gastrectomy. A total of 63 participants were given either vitamin D therapy or not given any additional therapy in the early stages post surgery. The vitamin D supplementation helped to increase calcium and phosphate levels, whiled helping to modify the parathyroid hormone. This suggest that the early stages after a gastrectomy can be pivotal in the development of bone disorders, and that vitamin D therapy can help to prevent bone disorders.
Ichikawa C. Takiguchi N. Koda K. Oda K. Suzuki H. Miyazaki M.
Department of General Surgery
Country of Publication
United States
Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 47(8):1886-90, 2002 Aug.

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