What is CoQ10?

In depth research on essential vitamins.


Coenzyme Q-10 has been established as one of the most intensively studied cardio protective nutrients. It is vital for the generation of all cellular energy for muscles, enzyme actions and respiration. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation can contribute to your health and overall energy and stamina. It is a powerful antioxidant and acts as a cell - membrane stabilizer against free radicals.

Coenzyme Q-10 is a quinone that functions as an electron transfer agent between cytochromes in the Krebs or energy cycle. In its version known as coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) or ubiquinol, this nutrient has become well known as a product that will increase your cellular energy.

CoQ10 is an enzyme found in all cells of the body. It occurs naturally, and is the co-factor in the electron transport chain between cells. CoQ10 is located in the mitochondria, tiny power plants found in every cell in the body, and effectively supports their energy producing pathways to help fuel the body's daily activity. If you lack CoQ10, your body's most important source of cellular energy is depleted, and many medical conditions are aggravated. It is most concentrated in the heart and liver, and is a vital component in the mitochondria, the body's metabolic factories. The best source for CoQ10 is in a high-quality liquid multivitamin.

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, scavenging free radicals, sitting in the membranes with Vitamin E which it recycles to keep it most active. Studies have shown that it helps combat various forms of cardiovascular disease, and reduces the number and size of certain tumors and is useful in treating gum disease. Yet, it was not well known or understood for until lately.

CoQ10's discovery dates back to 1957. CoQ10 is not a vitamin. Vitamins are nutrients that cannot be manufactured by the body, but must be ingested. CoQ10 is manufactured by the body, but rarely in sufficient amounts to confer significant health benefits. Therefore, CoQ10 is "vitamin-like" and needs to be taken as a nutritional supplement.

CoQ10 is widely recommended to repair heart damage and to boost the function of the heart, as well as in preventative use to safeguard against heart attacks and valve damage. It has also been shown to be beneficial in breast and lung cancer, as well as helping to maintain cognitive function.

CoQ10 reduces many of the serious side effects of cholesterol and other prescription drugs such as beta blockers. It also reduces the effects of aging. It helps in the recovery from a wide range of heart problems including angina pectoris, congestive heart failure and mitral valve prolapse and with reducing blood pressure and blood lipids. CoQ10 assists chronic fatigue sufferers when administered at higher doses and helps you build and strengthen your immune system. CoQ10 also helps in stabilizing your blood pressure and it helps your brain function optimally.

CoQ10 taken at 100mg a day increases aerobic activity and protects your heart muscle. While coenzyme Q does occur naturally in all fruits and vegetables, it is difficult to get enough of it on a daily basis from food alone. Men who have proven coronary heart disease should consider taking 300mg of coenzyme Q a day, as should women with breast cancer. This dosage has been shown to increase survival times in women with that disease. CoQ10 has been found to be effective for treating congestive heart failure in double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Its efficacy for angina is not yet as firmly proven, although studies are quite promising.

Medications used to lower cholesterol lower plasma concentrations of CoQ10. Oral anti-diabetic medications can also potentially inhibit the effects of CoQ10.

CoQ10 has also been found to be useful in treating Parkinson's disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease affecting approximately 1% of the population older than 50 years. Note that you should not consult your doctor before takeing CoQ01o if you have liver or kidney disease or if you suffer from diabetes. CoQ10) is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant.

Taken orally, coenzyme Q-10 may help treat congestive heart failure and delay the progression of Parkinson's disease. It may also be useful in treating diseases including muscular dystrophy, AIDS, hypertension, and mitochondrial diseases. There is recent evidence that it may also increase sperm motility. Unfortunately, sometimes touted for enhancing athletic performance, this hasn't been well demonstrated yet. In summary, CoQ10 has a wide assortment of incredible benefits. The only downside is the cost - CoQ10 can sometimes be a tad expensive. CoQ10 supplements are preferable in liquid form because liquids absorb 5 times better than pills.

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Ebadi M, Govitrapong P, Sharma S, et al Ubiquinone (coenzyme q10)) and mitochondria in oxidative stress of Parkinson's disease. Biol Signals Recept 2001;10:224-253.

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