Research, Benefits and Cautions.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) is part of the folic acid molecule and is a member of the B complex. It is made by intestinal bacteria and can be found in bran, brown rice, kidney, liver, molasses, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, whole-grain products and yogurt.

How This Supplement Works in Your Body:
When used as a topical sunscreen it shields your skin from ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage
Treats vitilgo, a condition characterized by discoloration or depigmentation of some areas of the skin
Increases effectiveness of folic acid, vitamin-B complex and vitamin C
May rejuvenate skin
May treat arthritis
May treat constipation
May treat gastrointestinal disorders
May treat nervousness and irritability

Where This Supplement is Found:
Brewer's yeast
Wheat germ
Brown rice
Sunflower seeds
Whole-grain products

How to Use:
Available as:
PABA is an ingredient in many topical sunscreen products
PABA is an ingredient in many multivitamin/mineral preparations

Don't take if you:
Take any sulfonamide ("sulfa drugs") or antibiotic internally due to the inhibiting effects of PABA when used with these substances

Consult your doctor if you:
Are pregnant, there is a possibility you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the future.

Do not take internally. No problems are expected while taking PABA topically. The risks of taking this supplement are greater than the benefits.

Do not take internally. No problems are expected while taking PABA topically. The risks of taking this supplement are greater than the benefits.

Infants and Children:
It is hazardous to treat infants and children under 2 with any supplement.

Keep in a cool and dry location, but do not freeze.
Keep safely away from children.
Do not keep in bathroom medicine cabinet. Heat and dampness may alter the action of the supplement.

Safe dosage:
To date, there has been no "safe" dosage established.
Do not take an oral supplement of PABA without a physician's supervision

If PABA is taken continuously in high doses, it may exhibit toxic effects on the liver. PABA is stored in the tissues.

Side Effects:
Signs and symptoms: What to do:
Diarrhea : Discontinue use. Call your physician immediately.
Fever : Discontinue use. Call your physician immediately.
Liver disease, evidenced by abnormal liver- function tests, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), vomiting : Discontinue use. Call your physician immediately.
Nausea or vomiting : Discontinue use. Call your physician immediately.
Skin rash : Discontinue use. Call your physician immediately.


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